Local Weston County Elected Officials
Scott E Beachler - County Coroner
Susan Overman - County Treasurer
Kara Lenardson - County Assessor
Becky Hadlock - County Clerk
Rikki Kaiser - Clerk of the Court
State Elected Officials
WY Representative District 1
Chip Neiman
WY Representative District 2
JD Williams
WY Secretary of State WY Auditor
Chuck Gray Kristi Racines
WY Treasurer
Curt Meier
WY Superintendent of Public Instruction
Megan Degenfelder
Scott Beachler Weston County Coroner
phone: 307-746-5610
email: sbnwy@outlook.com
I am currently serving on the Weston County Sheriff's Search & Rescue
Team as Secretary/Treasurer, Chairman of Communications sub-committee,
Chairman of Finance committee, Member of Executive Board and Cadet Program Advisor.
I am the Church Safety Team Director at Gateway Fellowship Church near Newcastle, Assistant to the Weston County Emergency Management Coordinator and recently started working part-time at Meridian Mortuary in Newcastle.
Bryan Colvard Weston County Sheriff
phone: 307-746-8046
email: bryanec@rtconnect.net
I believe that the Sheriff’s Badge is a symbol of public trust and to serve is an honor and a privilege. Serving as Sheriff over the past 12 years there have been many challenges. However, as your Sheriff I will continue to serve and protect citizens, our community and ultimately the Constitution of the United States.
I have proven that I will stand up for your individual rights. I am not afraid or intimidated to stand between you and our government.
I have worked closely with individual citizens, county and state officials concerning Forest Service Prairie Dog Management Program (lack thereof) and the Travel Management Program.
I stood for your individual rights on the Governor’s Mandates during Covid.

Vera Huber Weston County Commissioner
phone: N/A
email: vhuberwyo@gmail.com
Now more than ever, the people of Weston County have concerns about their representation. Serious issues have arisen regarding our commissioners’ ability to communicate with the citizens and the decisions made while representing the county. Ultimately, we must find the root cause of this discord so that we can work together toward a proper solution. Ralph Nader once said, “Secrecy destroys accountability.” Leaders must be accountable for decisions and in turn, take responsibility for their actions. Along with that, the validity of some procedures has been questioned and serious legal actions are ongoing or have taken place. We must find a way to come together with reason and respect so we can continue a positive path going forward.

Cheri Steinmetz WY Senate District 3
phone: 307-534-5342
email: cheri.steinmetz@wyoleg.gov
I represent Wyoming State Senate District 3, which includes Goshen, Niobrara, and Weston Counties.
Clearly, challenges lie ahead and we are equal to them. As a free people we have the responsibility to decide what kind of country we will live in, what society we will tolerate, and what legacy we will leave our children, grandchildren and all yet to come. As Americans we also have the ability to act upon those decisions. Has there ever been a better time to return to the roots of our Republic, defend our freedom, or unify as One Nation Under God? Now is the time and we are the people.
Like you, I want to make sure Wyoming remains a State where we defend the foundations on which our faith, freedom, and prosperity rest. Our children, our families, our way of life, and our State are worth fighting for.
Chuck Gray WY Secretary of State
phone: 307-251-1372
email: secofstate@wyo.gov
He began his professional career as a radio executive and hosted a conservative radio show between 2013 and 2019.
Chuck served in the Wyoming House of Representatives from 2017-2022 and has been a strong supporter of conservative policies at the state level.
Chuck has been leading the State House to make Wyoming a model state for voter integrity. He was the lead sponsor of the voter ID bill in the 2021 session (HB75, 2021).
He is also a pro-life champion. He sponsored Wyoming’s first ultrasound bill in 30 years (HB182, 2017) and stopped the University of Wyoming from covering abortion in their student healthcare plans with a budget amendment. He has been awarded the Platinum Award for protecting life, Wyoming Right to Life’s highest award given.
He led the legal fight against the state of Washington when they blocked coal exports, saving Wyoming energy sector jobs (HB251, 2019).
He is a five-time CPAC award winner, winning the award for his conservative voting record each year in the legislature. He has won the Club for Growth’s Award for Economic Freedom. And Chuck has also won the Principles of Liberty legislative award for his voting record.
Chuck has dedicated his life to standing up for our Christian and conservative values and will make election integrity one of his primary issues as Secretary of State.
Platform Review - 100%
Endorsed by WY Right to Life
CPAC award winner
Chip Neiman WY House District #1
phone: 307-290-0366
email: chip.neiman@wyoleg.gov
Chip Neiman is a life-long resident of Crook County, Wyoming. He and his wife Joni make their home near the base of Devils Tower in heart of District 1. Working in agriculture his entire life, Neiman has a deep understanding of doing all that you can with resources you’ve been given.
“My parents went through the Great Depression and raised me with this ideal, ‘Don’t spend what you don’t have and always improve without compromising your future.'”
Neiman has watched as politicians, at every level, continue to waste the taxpayer’s money and understands that a government who does the things it shouldn’t do is incapable of doing those things that it should. With this in mind he’s stepping into the political arena in order to represent District 1 with Conservative values.
Platform Review - 100%
Garrett Borton Weston County Commissioner
email: commissionerborton@yahoo.com
Garrett’s decision to run for a seat as a Weston County Commissioner is driven by concerns arising from the current political environment from Federal to County issues. Garrett is choosing to be a part of the solution. Garrett’s areas of concern include:
Government Over Reach
Unconstitutional Government Activity
Budget Concerns and Sustainability
Public School Mandates
Garrett will fight for what is right and just, as he did when he filed for a Declaratory Judgement against a sitting Weston County Commissioner that chose to move out of our county while refusing to resign his position. He firmly believes in communicating and working towards resolutions.
Garrett Borton’s heart, family, and livelihood are solidly planted in Weston County. The future of all these things are tied together and equally dependent on God and the betterment of Weston County, two things Garrett will serve Faithfully.

Susie Overman Weston County Treasurer
email: overmankay55@hotmail.com
I believe my experience in the office prepares me for the Treasurer's position. I have the ability and energy to lead the Treasurer's office forward to meet the challenges that are ahead, along with the knowledge and experience to work with continually changing laws and regulations. I enjoy working with the public and find the work exciting and challenging.
Friendly service with a smile is my goal.